I’m in the storm. I don’t know which way is left or right. The rain is cold. The waters are rough. Those who I thought were my friends I have found are not. I’ve been through storms before, but this one seems to have lasted longer than the others. Is this storm my end? Is this the storm that defines me? People are saying many things about me like those did to Job. The Job that held to his faith. The Job who wouldn’t curse God, but said though will He say me, yet will I trust in Him. That Job that experience lost of so much; earthly wealth, family, so called friends, health and etc. You know I just know thought that the Devil took away Job’s children, but not Job’s wife. Is it because the Devil knew Job’s wife wouldn’t be much or any confront for him? Well, like Job those who I thought would comfort has only added to my struggle. Why? I have forgiven. I have helped. I have tried to be good even to those who haven’t been good to me. Yet, I receive all of this. Well, my Lord I may fall even more. Like Joseph I may have to go to the lowest low. Like David my family even may want my destruction. Like Daniel I may be sent to the Lions din. Like Samson I may be bond. Like Elijah people may want my life. Like Jesus I will suffer often even for that which I did not do. Yet, my hope is in the Lord. My hope is in my Savior. My Redeemer lives! I have the victory. My body may become broken and bruised. My mind may often be filled with confusion. People may try to destroy my reputation, but my redeemer lives. I want to be the ground the seed falls on that produces a crop a hundred fold. Lord, I’m in the storm, but I’m not in despair. NO! Not this time. I will not harden my heart or be like others when trouble comes, panic and not look to YOU. I look to YOU! I long for YOU. Jesus Jesus is the name I call on. Not my daddy or my mother, but my Lord Jesus. Even if I am not delivered to my understanding, I trust in YOU. YOU instructed me to come to YOU. Well, I’m here now. Let your presence be known. I praise YOU for now, my struggles and pain. I praise YOU for my comfort and joy. I praise YOU Lord because you are worthy to be praised.
Forty Brave Soldiers
In Armenia around 320 AD, there was a company of forty Roman soldiers known as the Thundering Legion. When the Governor discovered they were Christians, he was very angry and threatened to have them killed. But the governor was also anxious to spare them because these soldiers were amongst the bravest in the army. He promised them money and honors if they would only consent to worship the gods which the Emperor worshipped.
One responded, "You offer us money that remains behind, and glory that fades away." They told him that they would rather die than renounce their faith.
This answer further enraged the governor so he ordered them to die a slow painful death. He commanded them to be stripped of their clothes and placed upon the ice of a frozen lake until they froze to death. At the same time he gave orders that a large tank of warm water should be placed at the side of the ice, so that if any of them should wish to renounce Jesus Christ and save his life, he might be taken off the lake and put into the warm water.
When these good soldiers were put upon the ice, they encouraged each other to not be afraid of dying. "One night of suffering," they said, "and then an eternity of happiness in Heaven." They prayed that their number would remain 40 and they could all persevere to the end.
I heard a song about these soldiers some 20 years ago by Tom Green. In the song's chorus, they encourage each other by singing, "Forty soldiers for Jesus, Forty brave soldiers for Christ . . ." They endured this torture for many hours and then the cold finally became too much for one of them. He asked for one of the soldiers guarding them to carry him to safety and the warm bath. No sooner had he been put into the bath than he died.
The shivering soldiers became discouraged and saddened that now there were 39 instead of the 40 they had prayed for. They began to sing with less enthusiasm, "Thirty-nine soldiers for Jesus . . ."
Suddenly one of the 'pagan' guards who had observed the soldiers, tore off his clothes and ran onto the lake singing, "FORTY brave soldiers for Jesus!"
As the next day dawned, 40 brave soldiers stood before their true King and heard Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servants."