1. Why are there so many different religious? Is Jesus in other religions such as Muslim, Hindu and etc?
2. Hoe can one know he is saved?
3. In Genesis Chapter 6, who are the "sons of God?" Do angels and demons live among humans?
4.How can some say, he or she is going to Hell? Should one say this?
5. In 1 Samuel 16, and evil spirit from the Lord torments Saul. Is God love and how and why would evil come from God?
6. When is it okay for a man or woman to get a divorce? After a divorce can one remarry?7. Are there books missing from the Bible? If so what are they and why were they not included?
8. Is everyone born with free will? Did Pharoh (during the time of Moses) have free will when God hardened his heart?
9. Why exactly were Job friends wrong?
As I read the Bible and think more, this list will grow. However, I'm curious as to people responses to these question. I would list a bunch of scripture regarding this questions, but I doubt many would read through them all. So what are your thoughts?